
Read through the study strategies, productivity tips, and overall cool things I've collected over the years.

How to Prioritize Tasks in Notion

Having lots of tasks can be overwhelming. Learn how to prioritize them based on urgency, importance, and effort with Notion formulas.


“Optional” Online Courses: Should You Take Them?

During quarantine, I started to dabble around various websites that offer free online courses like Edx and Coursera. Because I love studying, a total Rory Gilmore, I signed up to take the HarvardX CS50 course on Edx. Should you do the same?


How to Study from Your Notes

There are plenty of articles and videos, some of which I published, that demonstrate how to take effective notes using an array of note-taking techniques. Yet, how are those notes useful? How do you study from them? That is what we will be discussing today.


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